Thursday, July 15, 2010
Update on me..
Have not had much time to sit here and do blogging like I used to. Well one of my jobs ended once school ended but it will be picking up now since I had a meeting with that boss yesterday. Gotta get everything prepared for the upcoming school year. I just took another job with a friend helping him part time at a computer repair shop. Getting his paperwork in order and things like that. I still have my merchandiser job and loving it. Working more hours as I am covering for vacations and a open spot. Also doing the flea market on Sunday and loving it!! I will have to post some pictures of the new stuff we just made once I get my PC back from my friend. She was running a bit slow and she needed a tune up. I have so many ideas on what I want to make but not the cash to do it.. I gotta keep telling myself baby steps.. LOL
Monday, June 14, 2010
Ice Magick By: Enodia Black
My first winter in Eastern Washington was bitter. I had lived in
California previously, and I didn't know how to function in really
Cold, snowy, weather. I wandered bewildered through a world
Blanketed in white. Large, soft, snowflakes fell on my head, and my
Feet sank deep into the powdery coldness. Snow slid over the tops of
My boots, encrusted the hems of my jeans and soaked my feet. It was
Cold, miserable and hard to get around. But it was also beautiful.
The snow caused the land around me to shape shift into a pure, white,
Sparkling expanse. I got to know a phenomenon called "freezing fog,"
When the fog moves in despite the low temperatures, and freezes onto
Everything it touches, coating the branches of trees with crystals of
Ice. The ice, though slippery and dangerous, had a beauty that
Caught my breath. It was powerful, and because it is a force of
Nature, I began to wonder how its power could be used magickally.
Water to Ice
To understand how ice can be used in Magick, it is important to first
Understand the element of water. Water is one of the most important
Elements to human beings, because we need it to survive; for this
Reason, water has always been thought of as sacred. Water is in
Constant motion, always flowing. In fact, water is so linked with
The idea of movement that when we see water that is still, we give it
The name "stagnant," a name which denotes unnatural lack of change,
And even decay. It is not surprising, then, that water Magick is
Concerned with things that tend to remain in a state of flux:
Emotions, the subconscious and purity.
Water is like our emotional states; it is deep, mysterious and can
Even be deceptive. We have all heard the phrase "still waters run
Deep," a phrase that describes the churning turmoil that can exist
Beneath a placid demeanor. Water can look calm, but below, out the
Range of our vision, so much can be going on. An entire ecosystem
Exists beneath the surface, out of our eyesight. When we enter the
Water, we enter a new world. The surface of the water is very much
Like the veil that stands between the world of the everyday and the
Otherworld. The veil is normally difficult to pierce, and only on
Certain nights (like Samhain) can we cross it easily. But water can
Help in the process of parting the veil — we can gaze into a bowl of
Water, and see into the otherworld. So water is not only Magickal,
It is also an excellent medium for divination.
Water is also the only element that is capable of changing its form.
It is linked to all of the other elements. Water covers the earth,
And the earth requires water to produce life. Fire can act upon
Water and cause it to unite with the element of air to evaporate and
Form a gas. Finally, when water is cooled, it can combine with the
Element of air to form ice. This capacity for change, and its need
To always move, makes water the quintessential shape shifter. As a
Form that water takes when it shape shifts, ice is ideal for Magick.
Perhaps because all Magick is concerned with change, ice Magick is
Extremely powerful.
Ice Magick
Ice Magick is similar to water Magick. However with ice Magick, the
Power of the spell is increased because of the act of freezing the
Water. When water shape shifts from a constantly moving force to a
Solid, its power is the most potent. Magickally, ice is not
Associated with all of the same properties as water; it's mainly used
For spells that have to do with transformation. Ice can be used
Magickally to perform any kind of Magick that induces a change in the
Caster's' inner state, so it can be used to help reveal personal
Secrets, remember forgotten memories, dispel depression and release
Magick is an act of transformation, and ice possesses a strong
Magickal power since it is in the process of changing. Ice spells
Have two phases, the freezing of the water, and the melting of the
Ice. I have seen some spells where the caster writes a problem on a
Piece of paper, immerses the paper in water, and freezes the water to
Put an end to the problem. Those kinds of spells only use one of the
Two phases of ice Magick. It is important to remember, however, that
Problems that are frozen must eventually come back; everything that
Is frozen must melt. I have found that it is more practical, and
More powerful, to use both phases, freezing and melting, in spells.
The freezing of the ice begins the spell, because the caster is
Already thinking of the spell, and planning the ritual, when the ice
is frozen. The process begins as the water solidifies, and the power
is released during the ritual as the ice melts. For this reason, I
find it most useful to freeze "special" ice for spells. Also, most
ice trays are made of plastic. Holding the frozen water in non-
natural plastic is not as effective; magick is natural, and should
ideally involve natural substances. Metal bowls can be used, but the
easiest method is to use cardboard coated with wax (so that the
cardboard doesn't stick to the ice). Small paper drinking cups that
are coated with wax are ideal, as are frozen juice containers that
have been emptied of their contents and washed.
Ice Spells
A piece of ice naturally begins to melt when it is left at room
temperature, so it works like the burning of a candle in candle
magick, changing itself during the spell, thus releasing its energy
to the goal at hand. It is extremely powerful to encircle a candle
with ice and perform a spell. The ice melts and the candle burns —
two elements that work in a cooperative way can produce powerful
results. Spells that use fire and ice are wonderful for obtaining
balance, since they employ the complimentary elements of fire and
water. Also try putting ice in a bathtub while visualizing. This
technique is especially suited for spells involving physical
Herbs and oils can also be used to enhance ice magick. An infusion
of one or more herbs can be frozen, or essential oils can be added to
the water before freezing. When water is frozen, it combines with
the element of air, so herbs and oils that are associated with either
element can be used. Herbs that work best are ones that, when
growing in the natural world, can endure cold and snow, or require
cold weather to germinate. Below is a list of some herbs and oils
that work well for ice magick:
Magickal Associations
Happiness, Exorcism
Love, Healing, Psychic Power, Luck
Love, Healing, Divination
Psychic Power, Love, Courage, Exorcism
Information in this table was obtained from Cunningham's Encyclopedia
of Magical Herbs and Fern's Plants for a Future.
Ice and Divination
Ice can also be used for divination. Symbolically, the surface of a
body of water represents the veil between this world and the
otherworld. So, when water is frozen, the door to the otherworld is
closed. But as ice melts during a ritual, the door re-opens and we
can look inside.
The surface of melting ice is shiny, and like any reflective surface,
is well suited for scrying. One way to do this is to sit in a dark
room with a yellow candle burning off to the side, so that the light
of the flame flickers on the melting ice. Ice scrying requires
patience — messages will be revealed slowly, as the ice melts. Ice
scrying is especially suited for looking into the past, since the
frozen water symbolically represents a frozen moment in time.
Looking into past lives is possible, as is looking back and trying to
remember a forgotten memory. The melting ice represents the
releasing of memories from the subconscious mind.
Final Considerations
Because ice forms in the natural world during the winter months, ice
magick is best performed in the spring, when the world begins to
thaw. However, it is also possible to perform ice magick at other
times during the year, as the need arises. Dawn is best, because
symbolically, dawn is to the day as spring is to the year.
Ice magick is very powerful. It is a neutral, natural force that can
be used for positive or negative means. It is therefore important,
as it is with any spell, that the caster makes sure of his or her
intentions before attempting it. Remember how beautiful ice can be,
as it sends off prisms of light, but also remember that it is very
easy to slip on ice. Ice should not be feared any more than wind,
rain and storm. The spell caster should approach ice magick with
respect and reverence.
California previously, and I didn't know how to function in really
Cold, snowy, weather. I wandered bewildered through a world
Blanketed in white. Large, soft, snowflakes fell on my head, and my
Feet sank deep into the powdery coldness. Snow slid over the tops of
My boots, encrusted the hems of my jeans and soaked my feet. It was
Cold, miserable and hard to get around. But it was also beautiful.
The snow caused the land around me to shape shift into a pure, white,
Sparkling expanse. I got to know a phenomenon called "freezing fog,"
When the fog moves in despite the low temperatures, and freezes onto
Everything it touches, coating the branches of trees with crystals of
Ice. The ice, though slippery and dangerous, had a beauty that
Caught my breath. It was powerful, and because it is a force of
Nature, I began to wonder how its power could be used magickally.
Water to Ice
To understand how ice can be used in Magick, it is important to first
Understand the element of water. Water is one of the most important
Elements to human beings, because we need it to survive; for this
Reason, water has always been thought of as sacred. Water is in
Constant motion, always flowing. In fact, water is so linked with
The idea of movement that when we see water that is still, we give it
The name "stagnant," a name which denotes unnatural lack of change,
And even decay. It is not surprising, then, that water Magick is
Concerned with things that tend to remain in a state of flux:
Emotions, the subconscious and purity.
Water is like our emotional states; it is deep, mysterious and can
Even be deceptive. We have all heard the phrase "still waters run
Deep," a phrase that describes the churning turmoil that can exist
Beneath a placid demeanor. Water can look calm, but below, out the
Range of our vision, so much can be going on. An entire ecosystem
Exists beneath the surface, out of our eyesight. When we enter the
Water, we enter a new world. The surface of the water is very much
Like the veil that stands between the world of the everyday and the
Otherworld. The veil is normally difficult to pierce, and only on
Certain nights (like Samhain) can we cross it easily. But water can
Help in the process of parting the veil — we can gaze into a bowl of
Water, and see into the otherworld. So water is not only Magickal,
It is also an excellent medium for divination.
Water is also the only element that is capable of changing its form.
It is linked to all of the other elements. Water covers the earth,
And the earth requires water to produce life. Fire can act upon
Water and cause it to unite with the element of air to evaporate and
Form a gas. Finally, when water is cooled, it can combine with the
Element of air to form ice. This capacity for change, and its need
To always move, makes water the quintessential shape shifter. As a
Form that water takes when it shape shifts, ice is ideal for Magick.
Perhaps because all Magick is concerned with change, ice Magick is
Extremely powerful.
Ice Magick
Ice Magick is similar to water Magick. However with ice Magick, the
Power of the spell is increased because of the act of freezing the
Water. When water shape shifts from a constantly moving force to a
Solid, its power is the most potent. Magickally, ice is not
Associated with all of the same properties as water; it's mainly used
For spells that have to do with transformation. Ice can be used
Magickally to perform any kind of Magick that induces a change in the
Caster's' inner state, so it can be used to help reveal personal
Secrets, remember forgotten memories, dispel depression and release
Magick is an act of transformation, and ice possesses a strong
Magickal power since it is in the process of changing. Ice spells
Have two phases, the freezing of the water, and the melting of the
Ice. I have seen some spells where the caster writes a problem on a
Piece of paper, immerses the paper in water, and freezes the water to
Put an end to the problem. Those kinds of spells only use one of the
Two phases of ice Magick. It is important to remember, however, that
Problems that are frozen must eventually come back; everything that
Is frozen must melt. I have found that it is more practical, and
More powerful, to use both phases, freezing and melting, in spells.
The freezing of the ice begins the spell, because the caster is
Already thinking of the spell, and planning the ritual, when the ice
is frozen. The process begins as the water solidifies, and the power
is released during the ritual as the ice melts. For this reason, I
find it most useful to freeze "special" ice for spells. Also, most
ice trays are made of plastic. Holding the frozen water in non-
natural plastic is not as effective; magick is natural, and should
ideally involve natural substances. Metal bowls can be used, but the
easiest method is to use cardboard coated with wax (so that the
cardboard doesn't stick to the ice). Small paper drinking cups that
are coated with wax are ideal, as are frozen juice containers that
have been emptied of their contents and washed.
Ice Spells
A piece of ice naturally begins to melt when it is left at room
temperature, so it works like the burning of a candle in candle
magick, changing itself during the spell, thus releasing its energy
to the goal at hand. It is extremely powerful to encircle a candle
with ice and perform a spell. The ice melts and the candle burns —
two elements that work in a cooperative way can produce powerful
results. Spells that use fire and ice are wonderful for obtaining
balance, since they employ the complimentary elements of fire and
water. Also try putting ice in a bathtub while visualizing. This
technique is especially suited for spells involving physical
Herbs and oils can also be used to enhance ice magick. An infusion
of one or more herbs can be frozen, or essential oils can be added to
the water before freezing. When water is frozen, it combines with
the element of air, so herbs and oils that are associated with either
element can be used. Herbs that work best are ones that, when
growing in the natural world, can endure cold and snow, or require
cold weather to germinate. Below is a list of some herbs and oils
that work well for ice magick:
Magickal Associations
Happiness, Exorcism
Love, Healing, Psychic Power, Luck
Love, Healing, Divination
Psychic Power, Love, Courage, Exorcism
Information in this table was obtained from Cunningham's Encyclopedia
of Magical Herbs and Fern's Plants for a Future.
Ice and Divination
Ice can also be used for divination. Symbolically, the surface of a
body of water represents the veil between this world and the
otherworld. So, when water is frozen, the door to the otherworld is
closed. But as ice melts during a ritual, the door re-opens and we
can look inside.
The surface of melting ice is shiny, and like any reflective surface,
is well suited for scrying. One way to do this is to sit in a dark
room with a yellow candle burning off to the side, so that the light
of the flame flickers on the melting ice. Ice scrying requires
patience — messages will be revealed slowly, as the ice melts. Ice
scrying is especially suited for looking into the past, since the
frozen water symbolically represents a frozen moment in time.
Looking into past lives is possible, as is looking back and trying to
remember a forgotten memory. The melting ice represents the
releasing of memories from the subconscious mind.
Final Considerations
Because ice forms in the natural world during the winter months, ice
magick is best performed in the spring, when the world begins to
thaw. However, it is also possible to perform ice magick at other
times during the year, as the need arises. Dawn is best, because
symbolically, dawn is to the day as spring is to the year.
Ice magick is very powerful. It is a neutral, natural force that can
be used for positive or negative means. It is therefore important,
as it is with any spell, that the caster makes sure of his or her
intentions before attempting it. Remember how beautiful ice can be,
as it sends off prisms of light, but also remember that it is very
easy to slip on ice. Ice should not be feared any more than wind,
rain and storm. The spell caster should approach ice magick with
respect and reverence.
Perfume free laundry detergent
For a large load of laundry, mix:
1 full cereal size bowl of baking soda
1 full cereal size bowl of white distilled vinegar
1/2 to 1 full cereal size bowl of Borax
1 full cereal size bowl of baking soda
1 full cereal size bowl of white distilled vinegar
1/2 to 1 full cereal size bowl of Borax
Instructions: Begin a load of laundry. As water fills the washing machine, pour the baking soda. Make sure you empty the bowl of all the baking soda residue and then pour the vinegar.
The reason for this is that when you pour the vinegar in the bowl while there's some baking soda residue, the 2 ingredients fizz when mixed together and you don't want the bowl to overflow before you pour the ingredients into the washing machine. This mixture is great because it's affordable, easy to use, non-toxic, earth-friendly and completely free of toxic petro-chemicals and irritants.
~Wise Woman Newsletter, November, 2009
By Peg Aloi
In this modern world, many of us do not have a healthy relationship with
Food. Despite so many choices, many of us hurry through meals or simply
Eat the quickest thing available. Our European ancestors had a deep
Reverence and respect for the land and its inhabitants, and their
Relationship to food was a very conscientious one.
Modern Pagans try to enhance their relationship to the natural world,
And one good way to do this is by paying special attention to the food
We eat. This article will look at the ways we can enjoy better health
By aligning our eating habits with those of our ancestors.
Although we have been told for years by the medical establishment that
We need to cut down on fats and red meat, many Americans are losing
Weight on trendy high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets. Obviously such
An extreme diet is not healthy in the long run. But the principle
Behind it actually has its roots in our early evolution.
Prior to the advent of agriculture, humans were hunters and gatherers.
That meant eating animals and green plants, and whatever fruits or nuts
Could be foraged. The consumption of grains, which form the basis of
The starchy, agriculture- based foods--such as bread, pasta, potatoes,
And cereals--in our diets began relatively recently in our history. It
Is believed that humans are designed to digest grains efficiently,
Because they are made of both protein and carbohydrates, and the stomach
Utilizes different enzymes to digest these foods. So ingesting them at
The same time can lead to poor absorption of nutrients and faulty
Digestion. This principle forms the basis of the popular
"food-combining" diets, as found in many contemporary books.
The human body is designed to eat meat and plants; our teeth are made
For tearing into flesh and for grinding down plant material. There is
Growing interest these days in so-called "caveman diets," which
Emphasize leaner meat than what we find in grain-fed cattle--such as
Elk, deer, or buffalo.
The healthiest humans in the world (with virtually no cardiovascular or
Heart disease, nor cancer) are the Masai tribe of Africa. These people
Are nomadic cattle herders who eat almost nothing but the meat, marrow,
And milk of their cattle, along with green plants. They also get a lot
Of exercise--walking and running up to twenty miles a day as they herd
Their cattle.
Clearly their healthy hearts and lungs are helped by the fresh air and
Exercise, but the quality of the food they eat is also significant. In
The Western world, much of the meat we eat is raised for slaughter, and
Animals are pumped full of antibiotics and hormones for more efficient
Production. The health dangers of a high-meat diet are not just due to
The low fiber, high-fat content, but also to the traces of these toxic
Substances that remain in our tissues.
So what do we eat to stay healthy--especially if we can't walk twenty
Miles each day? I propose a lifestyle that attempts to eat as our
Ancestors did: simple, healthy foods in reasonable amounts that are,
Where appropriate, specific to our ethnic background or our region.
In earlier generations, foods were not full of pesticide residue or
Hormones and antibiotics. Our oceans and lakes were not laden with
Chemicals. Fruits and vegetables were not tainted.
Today, therefore, there is no better way to spend our food dollars than
To buy organically grown produce and naturally raised meat and fish.
Unfortunately, in some areas organic foods are expensive and hard to
Find. The greater the demand for these products, the more widely
Available, and cheaper, they will become--so ask for them. We may raise
Our eyebrows at the higher price on apples grown without pesticides, but
Isn't better health and a cleaner environment worth a few extra pennies?
Our ancestors did not have grocery stores, microwave ovens, or
Refrigerators. They hunted and gathered from season to season, and they
Stored what they could to get them through winter. Fruits and
Vegetables, nuts and seeds were eaten raw, and so kept all of their
Nutritional value. One of the best ways to align ourselves with the
Natural rhythms of the seasons, as our ancestors lived, is to eat
Locally grown raw foods.
Most cities and towns have a farmers' market in late summer or early
Autumn when so much of the harvest is available. Depending on your
Area, you could get wonderful fresh fruits and vegetables from April
Through November. Local grocery stores will also make an effort to sell
This local produce so look for the signs that identify foods as "locally
Grown." Think of how a tomato you eat in the middle of the winter is
Tasteless, or how store-bought apples in spring are mealy--they have
Usually been picked prematurely and shipped a long way. We can enhance
our health and get great pleasure from our food if we take advantage of
the growing seasons in our area.
It is believed by holistic healers that the human body stays healthiest
by eating foods grown in our natural climate. These foods protect us
from infections and enhance our natural immunity because of pollination
and other environmental factors. So even though I love Florida oranges
and grapefruit in winter, they are not as health-giving for me as summer
raspberries grown in Massachusetts.
We are also products of our ethnic heritage. Being half Italian and
half Irish, I notice tastes and preferences, not to mention food
sensitivities, particular to my background. Traditional cultural food
preferences develop over centuries, based on climate and availability.
As customs form, that particular group's genetic make-up is affected by
the foods eaten over many generations. My Italian half prefers to cook
with olive oil (much healthier than other oils), while the Irish side
likes butter (still better for us than margarine or other partially
hydrogenated fats). The Italian likes savory herbs such as basil and
rosemary and thyme; the Irish likes good old salt and pepper. Neither
of these influences has allowed me to stomach hot, spicy food--but
someone of Mexican or Spanish descent would have no problem eating lots
of red hot chilies.
You can find out which foods might aggravate certain chronic conditions
(headache, fatigue, indigestion, insomnia, and so on) by finding out as
much as you can about your mother's natal nutritional habits. When my
mother was carrying me, she broke out in hives whenever she ate
cheese--so even though my Italian and Irish ancestors were great cheese
lovers, I need to eat it in moderation.
It is believed that the current rise in peanut allergies in children is
due to an increase in peanut consumption by pregnant and nursing mothers
(maybe trying to get their protein from nonmeat sources). Understanding
our personal nutritional needs, including what we are allergic or
sensitive to, helps us choose foods that enhance our immunity and align
our health in subtle ways. In this way, we can then avoid any
self-medicating with painkillers, sleep aids, caffeine, or toxic
substances such as cigarettes, alcohol, or prescription medications.
Many health complaints can be traced to a nutritional deficiency, yet
nutrition is not a required field of study in medical school. Is it any
wonder then that the Western world is plagued by so many
lifestyle-related disorders directly linked to poor diet?
As modern Pagans, we seek a closer relationship to nature, and we feel a
need to be stewards of the Earth. By following a spiritual path that
emphasizes personal responsibility and self-transformation , we make our
way in the larger community by choosing to make the world a better place.
By choosing naturally raised meats and fish over factory-farmed
products, we show our support for humane methods of animal husbandry.
By choosing organically grown local produce, we show our support for
small, noncorporate farms that choose not to poison our environment with
pesticides. Food need not be a political issue, but by aligning our
lifestyle choices with the eating patterns of our ancestors, we can not
only honor our past but help to preserve our future.
Link unknown
By Peg Aloi
In this modern world, many of us do not have a healthy relationship with
Food. Despite so many choices, many of us hurry through meals or simply
Eat the quickest thing available. Our European ancestors had a deep
Reverence and respect for the land and its inhabitants, and their
Relationship to food was a very conscientious one.
Modern Pagans try to enhance their relationship to the natural world,
And one good way to do this is by paying special attention to the food
We eat. This article will look at the ways we can enjoy better health
By aligning our eating habits with those of our ancestors.
Although we have been told for years by the medical establishment that
We need to cut down on fats and red meat, many Americans are losing
Weight on trendy high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets. Obviously such
An extreme diet is not healthy in the long run. But the principle
Behind it actually has its roots in our early evolution.
Prior to the advent of agriculture, humans were hunters and gatherers.
That meant eating animals and green plants, and whatever fruits or nuts
Could be foraged. The consumption of grains, which form the basis of
The starchy, agriculture- based foods--such as bread, pasta, potatoes,
And cereals--in our diets began relatively recently in our history. It
Is believed that humans are designed to digest grains efficiently,
Because they are made of both protein and carbohydrates, and the stomach
Utilizes different enzymes to digest these foods. So ingesting them at
The same time can lead to poor absorption of nutrients and faulty
Digestion. This principle forms the basis of the popular
"food-combining" diets, as found in many contemporary books.
The human body is designed to eat meat and plants; our teeth are made
For tearing into flesh and for grinding down plant material. There is
Growing interest these days in so-called "caveman diets," which
Emphasize leaner meat than what we find in grain-fed cattle--such as
Elk, deer, or buffalo.
The healthiest humans in the world (with virtually no cardiovascular or
Heart disease, nor cancer) are the Masai tribe of Africa. These people
Are nomadic cattle herders who eat almost nothing but the meat, marrow,
And milk of their cattle, along with green plants. They also get a lot
Of exercise--walking and running up to twenty miles a day as they herd
Their cattle.
Clearly their healthy hearts and lungs are helped by the fresh air and
Exercise, but the quality of the food they eat is also significant. In
The Western world, much of the meat we eat is raised for slaughter, and
Animals are pumped full of antibiotics and hormones for more efficient
Production. The health dangers of a high-meat diet are not just due to
The low fiber, high-fat content, but also to the traces of these toxic
Substances that remain in our tissues.
So what do we eat to stay healthy--especially if we can't walk twenty
Miles each day? I propose a lifestyle that attempts to eat as our
Ancestors did: simple, healthy foods in reasonable amounts that are,
Where appropriate, specific to our ethnic background or our region.
In earlier generations, foods were not full of pesticide residue or
Hormones and antibiotics. Our oceans and lakes were not laden with
Chemicals. Fruits and vegetables were not tainted.
Today, therefore, there is no better way to spend our food dollars than
To buy organically grown produce and naturally raised meat and fish.
Unfortunately, in some areas organic foods are expensive and hard to
Find. The greater the demand for these products, the more widely
Available, and cheaper, they will become--so ask for them. We may raise
Our eyebrows at the higher price on apples grown without pesticides, but
Isn't better health and a cleaner environment worth a few extra pennies?
Our ancestors did not have grocery stores, microwave ovens, or
Refrigerators. They hunted and gathered from season to season, and they
Stored what they could to get them through winter. Fruits and
Vegetables, nuts and seeds were eaten raw, and so kept all of their
Nutritional value. One of the best ways to align ourselves with the
Natural rhythms of the seasons, as our ancestors lived, is to eat
Locally grown raw foods.
Most cities and towns have a farmers' market in late summer or early
Autumn when so much of the harvest is available. Depending on your
Area, you could get wonderful fresh fruits and vegetables from April
Through November. Local grocery stores will also make an effort to sell
This local produce so look for the signs that identify foods as "locally
Grown." Think of how a tomato you eat in the middle of the winter is
Tasteless, or how store-bought apples in spring are mealy--they have
Usually been picked prematurely and shipped a long way. We can enhance
our health and get great pleasure from our food if we take advantage of
the growing seasons in our area.
It is believed by holistic healers that the human body stays healthiest
by eating foods grown in our natural climate. These foods protect us
from infections and enhance our natural immunity because of pollination
and other environmental factors. So even though I love Florida oranges
and grapefruit in winter, they are not as health-giving for me as summer
raspberries grown in Massachusetts.
We are also products of our ethnic heritage. Being half Italian and
half Irish, I notice tastes and preferences, not to mention food
sensitivities, particular to my background. Traditional cultural food
preferences develop over centuries, based on climate and availability.
As customs form, that particular group's genetic make-up is affected by
the foods eaten over many generations. My Italian half prefers to cook
with olive oil (much healthier than other oils), while the Irish side
likes butter (still better for us than margarine or other partially
hydrogenated fats). The Italian likes savory herbs such as basil and
rosemary and thyme; the Irish likes good old salt and pepper. Neither
of these influences has allowed me to stomach hot, spicy food--but
someone of Mexican or Spanish descent would have no problem eating lots
of red hot chilies.
You can find out which foods might aggravate certain chronic conditions
(headache, fatigue, indigestion, insomnia, and so on) by finding out as
much as you can about your mother's natal nutritional habits. When my
mother was carrying me, she broke out in hives whenever she ate
cheese--so even though my Italian and Irish ancestors were great cheese
lovers, I need to eat it in moderation.
It is believed that the current rise in peanut allergies in children is
due to an increase in peanut consumption by pregnant and nursing mothers
(maybe trying to get their protein from nonmeat sources). Understanding
our personal nutritional needs, including what we are allergic or
sensitive to, helps us choose foods that enhance our immunity and align
our health in subtle ways. In this way, we can then avoid any
self-medicating with painkillers, sleep aids, caffeine, or toxic
substances such as cigarettes, alcohol, or prescription medications.
Many health complaints can be traced to a nutritional deficiency, yet
nutrition is not a required field of study in medical school. Is it any
wonder then that the Western world is plagued by so many
lifestyle-related disorders directly linked to poor diet?
As modern Pagans, we seek a closer relationship to nature, and we feel a
need to be stewards of the Earth. By following a spiritual path that
emphasizes personal responsibility and self-transformation , we make our
way in the larger community by choosing to make the world a better place.
By choosing naturally raised meats and fish over factory-farmed
products, we show our support for humane methods of animal husbandry.
By choosing organically grown local produce, we show our support for
small, noncorporate farms that choose not to poison our environment with
pesticides. Food need not be a political issue, but by aligning our
lifestyle choices with the eating patterns of our ancestors, we can not
only honor our past but help to preserve our future.
Link unknown
Spell Pouches Colors
- A white pouch can be used for Spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, clairvoyance, healing, truth seeking; Rituals involving lunar energy' May be substituted for any color.
- A yellow pouch can be used with spell fostering activity, creativity, unity; brings power of concentration and imagination to a ritual.
- A gold pouch can be used in a spell to attract the powers of cosmic influences; beneficial in rituals intended to bring about fast luck or money, or in rituals needing solar energy.
- An orange pouch can be used in a spell to promote creativity, the ability to speak one's mind, ambition, career matters and the Law, self-confidence. It is also a solar color.
- A pink pouch can be used in a spell for romance, friendship; it is a standard color for rituals to draw affections; a color of femininity, honor and service
- A red pouch can be used in a spell to foster health, passion, love, fertility, strength, courage, will power; increased magnetism
- A silver pouch can be used in a spell for the removal of negativity and encourages stability; helps develop psychic abilities; attracts the influence of the Mother Goddess.
- A purple pouch can be used in a spell which promotes power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideals for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial rewards, or to make contact with the spiritual world.
- A brown pouch can be used in a spell of materiel increase; eliminates indecisiveness; improves powers of concentration, study, telepathy; increases financial success.
- A blue pouch can be used in a spell to promote a cool calmness, loyalty, or whenever an influence needs to be increased, for rituals to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; confers truth and guidance.
- A light blue pouch can be used in a spell for inspirational meditations, peace and tranquility to the home, for rituals to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light, peace and guidance.
- A green pouch can be used in a spell for ambition, growth, new beginnings, prosperity, fertility, success; stimulates rituals for good luck, money, harmony, and rejuvenation.
- A grey pouch is a neutral color and is useful when negates or neutralizes a negative influence.
- A black pouch can be used to to banish evil or negativity as in uncrossing rituals.
Imbolc Ideas Having To Do With Fire
By Starhawk, Anne Hill, and Diane Baker.Brigit Fire
Whether we circle around a hearth, outdoor bonfire, or kindle a blaze
In a cast-iron cauldron, in the season of Brigit we welcome the
Return of light. Here are some suggestions for a safe and cheerful
Cauldron Fire
You will need:
A cast-iron pot of any size
A lid that fits snugly, for putting out the fire
Bricks, hotplate or other heat-resistant material to set the cauldron
Epsom salts
Rubbing alcohol
To keep the blaze going for 45 minutes in a five quart cauldron, you
Need 1/2 gallon of Epsom salts and approximately 4 to 6 pints of
Rubbing alcohol
Any cast-iron pot can be made into a cauldron with a fire of Epsom
Salts and rubbing alcohol. This is a very safe blaze. Once the
Cauldron is secured on a heat-proof surface, pour the Epsom salts in
Until the bottom is covered, approximately 1 inch deep. Pour rubbing
Alcohol over the salts until the alcohol is about an inch higher than
The salts. Hold a lighted match just above the alcohol. The liquid
Will light and produce a strong orange flame. The flame burns cool,
Unlike a wood fire, and it is difficult to burn things
In. When the flame gets low, cover to snuff out completely. Add more
Rubbing alcohol to the cauldron and relight carefully. The warmer the
Rubbing alcohol, the more quickly it ignites. This fire recipe leaves
A significant amount of sediment in the bottom of the cauldron. For
This reason, it is best to dedicate a pot strictly for cauldron use.
Kindling a Fire
This holiday is a good time to teach your older children how to set a
Fire and kindle a blaze. Most children are eager to help lay a fire,
But may be too scared to light one. Using long matches often eases
Their fear, and with supervision they can become quite proficient at
Lighting fires. Children are great at gathering wood. A note of
Caution about burning found wood, however: Make sure you inspect the
Wood. Scrap plywood gives off toxic fumes, as does wood that has been
Painted or coated with urethane. Make sure the wood you are burning
Has not been coated with creosote. Creosote is a dark, often tarry
Preservative and is commonly found on wood washed up on the beach.
Its fumes are toxic, and when burned, the treated wood creates a
Smoky, stinky blaze. Creosote is easy to identify by its smell, which
Resembles that of turpentine or paint thinner.
Egg Carton Fire Starters
You will need:
Paraffin wax or beeswax (old candle stubs work great for this)
The bottom halves of cardboard egg cartons
Sawdust, pine needles, scraps of cotton material, dry pinecones, or
Shredded paper
A pot
Reuse all those old candle ends in this practical, convenient fire
Project. Stuff each cardboard egg holder with sawdust or other
Flammable material. Melt the wax in a pot, over low to medium heat.
When the wax is melted, carefully pour the wax into each depression
In the egg cartons. Make sure the wax does not overflow. Let cool.
After the wax has cooled down, use scissors to cut the fire starters
Apart from each other, leaving the hardened wax inside its cardboard
Shell. To use, set one or two fire starters in your fireplace,
Surround with kindling and larger wood, and light. The fire starters
Will keep burning long enough to light even the most stubborn logs.
Fire Safety
Never leave candles lit and a blazing fire unattended. It is a good
Idea to have a pail of water or a fire extinguisher close at hand
When having a fire. If you often light fires at your home, try
Growing an aloe Vera plant, or keep some of the pure gel on hand in
The fridge, to use as first aid for burns. Fires at the beach are
Popular in all seasons, and eliminate some of the risks of fires in
The woods or in the meadow. Few people are aware of how to extinguish
A beach fire safely, however. Covering up a beach fire with sand
Actually insulates the coals, keeping them burning through the night.
Those hidden coals will still be red-hot in the morning waiting for
An unsuspecting person to step on them. Always douse a beach fire with
Water - seawater works as well as fresh water - until there are no
More live coals. Wait for the steam to clear; then using a stick,
Turn over all the coals to make sure no smoldering coals remain.
Candle Hat
One holiday tradition in Scandinavian countries is for the girls to
Wear garlands in their hair that hold a circle of lit candles and
Bless the light's return. We've adapted this candle custom to honor
the returning light for Brigit. These paper hats are a simple and
safe variation. Draw an inner circle on a 9-inch paper plate, about
an inch from the rim. Next draw very light lines dividing the circle
into quarters. Draw four rectangular candle shapes, keeping the
dividing lines as guides for the candles' centers. The rectangles
will meet in the center of the plate in a small square. Cut out the
candle shapes, preserving their connection to the ring at the rim.
This connection serves as the base of the candle. Bend candles
from their base to stand upright. Decorate candles with markers,
crayons and glitter. use the discarded plate material to cut flame
shapes. Color them bright flame colors, then glue or staple them to
the top of the candles.
Brigit Candles
You will need:
1 recipe salt dough clay
a bowl of water
8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper, one for each candle
wax paper, cut into 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheets, one for each candle tape
1 T vegetable oil
small bowl
candle making supplies
Honor Brigit with new special candles. These candles use molds made
from coiled salt dough ropes so that each completely unique candle
bears the spiral imprint of the coil.
Taper Candles
Make ropes by rolling salt dough clay between your hands. Each rope
should be two or three feet long and 1/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter. If
younger children can't manage such lengths, have them make smaller
segments that can be joined later with a little pressure and water.
Dip your fingers into the bowl of water occasionally if the dough
tends to crack. Roll the paper into a 1 inch wide cylinder and tape
it shut. Around this cylinder, tape a piece of wax paper. Coat the
wax paper with a thin layer of oil. Lightly moisten a salt dough rope
with water. Lay the paper cylinder on its side at one end of the
rope. Roll it along the dough, wrapping the rope up the cylinder
until it is six inches tall. Be sure the edges of the coiled rope
always touch. To provide extra support, at intervals stick several
toothpicks vertically through the coils. Make a bottom for the mold by
shaping another piece of salt dough into a 3/4 inch thick circle
that's larger than the coiled tower in diameter. Moisten the bottom's
surface, then carefully lift the coiled tower onto the bottom piece
and press gently to make a seal. Pull the paper cylinder out. This
slides out easily, leaving the wax paper. Remove it by gently tugging
on the wax paper with one hand while you support the clay coils with
the others. Inspect each part of the mold, looking for tiny cracks
where melted wax could leak. Press these shut. If the coils start to
sag, quickly fashion a paper cylinder around the outside of the coils
and tape it closed. Trim it to the same height as the clay, so it
won't get in the way when you are pouring wax. Set the mold in
an empty bowl, in case wax leaks through. You are ready to pour.
Pouring the wax is thrilling. Go very slowly up each level to make
sure no wax is leaking through. If a leak appears, carefully pinch it
shut and pour again. Insert the wick. The wax will harden within an
hour, long before the clay dries. To unmold, just unwind the clay. If
some sticks, soak the candle in cool water and then gently rinse off
the clay. The candles have a wonderfully craggy spiral looping from
bottom to top, and burn with a lovely strong flame.
Beehive Candles
You can also make beehive candles with great success by coiling ropes
of salt dough in a small, deep bowl. A rice bowl is the perfect size.
It's easier to start with making a spiral, about 3 inches across,
outside of the bowl, then transferring this into the bottom of the
bowl. Next coil the rope inside the bowl until you reach the top. The
candle is burned with the dome side up, so the wick has to be
extended through the wax at the bottom of the bowl. When the wax is
firm enough to insert the wick, use a slightly larger straw than
usual, and push it firmly through the candle, into the dough beneath,
straight to the bottom of the bowl. The candle unmolds easily: Lift
candle and mold from the bowl and uncoil the mold.
Brigit Candleholder
To echo the Goddess's symbol of the serpent, make this candleholder,
which resembles a coiled snake. Follow directions for making a mold
for taper candles, with the following differences:
1. Size your holder by wrapping a paper cylinder around whatever
candle you intend to use. Remove candle before proceeding further.
2. Dough ropes should be about 1/2 inch wide and a foot long. If
candleholder is taller than 4 inches, use toothpicks for extra
3. Make the bottom by coiling a rope into a small circle. 4. After
the paper cylinder has been removed, use your candle to gently test
of the open end of the candle holder is large enough to accommodate
the candle. If it's too small, delicately press the opening wider. If
it's too large, fill in with bits of salt dough.
5 Bake the holder as directed. Turn after the first hour to be sure
it does not stick to the pan.
6 Cool completely after baking. Then paint with snaky patterns,
finishing with eyes on the end of the top coil.
Whether we circle around a hearth, outdoor bonfire, or kindle a blaze
In a cast-iron cauldron, in the season of Brigit we welcome the
Return of light. Here are some suggestions for a safe and cheerful
Cauldron Fire
You will need:
A cast-iron pot of any size
A lid that fits snugly, for putting out the fire
Bricks, hotplate or other heat-resistant material to set the cauldron
Epsom salts
Rubbing alcohol
To keep the blaze going for 45 minutes in a five quart cauldron, you
Need 1/2 gallon of Epsom salts and approximately 4 to 6 pints of
Rubbing alcohol
Any cast-iron pot can be made into a cauldron with a fire of Epsom
Salts and rubbing alcohol. This is a very safe blaze. Once the
Cauldron is secured on a heat-proof surface, pour the Epsom salts in
Until the bottom is covered, approximately 1 inch deep. Pour rubbing
Alcohol over the salts until the alcohol is about an inch higher than
The salts. Hold a lighted match just above the alcohol. The liquid
Will light and produce a strong orange flame. The flame burns cool,
Unlike a wood fire, and it is difficult to burn things
In. When the flame gets low, cover to snuff out completely. Add more
Rubbing alcohol to the cauldron and relight carefully. The warmer the
Rubbing alcohol, the more quickly it ignites. This fire recipe leaves
A significant amount of sediment in the bottom of the cauldron. For
This reason, it is best to dedicate a pot strictly for cauldron use.
Kindling a Fire
This holiday is a good time to teach your older children how to set a
Fire and kindle a blaze. Most children are eager to help lay a fire,
But may be too scared to light one. Using long matches often eases
Their fear, and with supervision they can become quite proficient at
Lighting fires. Children are great at gathering wood. A note of
Caution about burning found wood, however: Make sure you inspect the
Wood. Scrap plywood gives off toxic fumes, as does wood that has been
Painted or coated with urethane. Make sure the wood you are burning
Has not been coated with creosote. Creosote is a dark, often tarry
Preservative and is commonly found on wood washed up on the beach.
Its fumes are toxic, and when burned, the treated wood creates a
Smoky, stinky blaze. Creosote is easy to identify by its smell, which
Resembles that of turpentine or paint thinner.
Egg Carton Fire Starters
You will need:
Paraffin wax or beeswax (old candle stubs work great for this)
The bottom halves of cardboard egg cartons
Sawdust, pine needles, scraps of cotton material, dry pinecones, or
Shredded paper
A pot
Reuse all those old candle ends in this practical, convenient fire
Project. Stuff each cardboard egg holder with sawdust or other
Flammable material. Melt the wax in a pot, over low to medium heat.
When the wax is melted, carefully pour the wax into each depression
In the egg cartons. Make sure the wax does not overflow. Let cool.
After the wax has cooled down, use scissors to cut the fire starters
Apart from each other, leaving the hardened wax inside its cardboard
Shell. To use, set one or two fire starters in your fireplace,
Surround with kindling and larger wood, and light. The fire starters
Will keep burning long enough to light even the most stubborn logs.
Fire Safety
Never leave candles lit and a blazing fire unattended. It is a good
Idea to have a pail of water or a fire extinguisher close at hand
When having a fire. If you often light fires at your home, try
Growing an aloe Vera plant, or keep some of the pure gel on hand in
The fridge, to use as first aid for burns. Fires at the beach are
Popular in all seasons, and eliminate some of the risks of fires in
The woods or in the meadow. Few people are aware of how to extinguish
A beach fire safely, however. Covering up a beach fire with sand
Actually insulates the coals, keeping them burning through the night.
Those hidden coals will still be red-hot in the morning waiting for
An unsuspecting person to step on them. Always douse a beach fire with
Water - seawater works as well as fresh water - until there are no
More live coals. Wait for the steam to clear; then using a stick,
Turn over all the coals to make sure no smoldering coals remain.
Candle Hat
One holiday tradition in Scandinavian countries is for the girls to
Wear garlands in their hair that hold a circle of lit candles and
Bless the light's return. We've adapted this candle custom to honor
the returning light for Brigit. These paper hats are a simple and
safe variation. Draw an inner circle on a 9-inch paper plate, about
an inch from the rim. Next draw very light lines dividing the circle
into quarters. Draw four rectangular candle shapes, keeping the
dividing lines as guides for the candles' centers. The rectangles
will meet in the center of the plate in a small square. Cut out the
candle shapes, preserving their connection to the ring at the rim.
This connection serves as the base of the candle. Bend candles
from their base to stand upright. Decorate candles with markers,
crayons and glitter. use the discarded plate material to cut flame
shapes. Color them bright flame colors, then glue or staple them to
the top of the candles.
Brigit Candles
You will need:
1 recipe salt dough clay
a bowl of water
8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper, one for each candle
wax paper, cut into 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheets, one for each candle tape
1 T vegetable oil
small bowl
candle making supplies
Honor Brigit with new special candles. These candles use molds made
from coiled salt dough ropes so that each completely unique candle
bears the spiral imprint of the coil.
Taper Candles
Make ropes by rolling salt dough clay between your hands. Each rope
should be two or three feet long and 1/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter. If
younger children can't manage such lengths, have them make smaller
segments that can be joined later with a little pressure and water.
Dip your fingers into the bowl of water occasionally if the dough
tends to crack. Roll the paper into a 1 inch wide cylinder and tape
it shut. Around this cylinder, tape a piece of wax paper. Coat the
wax paper with a thin layer of oil. Lightly moisten a salt dough rope
with water. Lay the paper cylinder on its side at one end of the
rope. Roll it along the dough, wrapping the rope up the cylinder
until it is six inches tall. Be sure the edges of the coiled rope
always touch. To provide extra support, at intervals stick several
toothpicks vertically through the coils. Make a bottom for the mold by
shaping another piece of salt dough into a 3/4 inch thick circle
that's larger than the coiled tower in diameter. Moisten the bottom's
surface, then carefully lift the coiled tower onto the bottom piece
and press gently to make a seal. Pull the paper cylinder out. This
slides out easily, leaving the wax paper. Remove it by gently tugging
on the wax paper with one hand while you support the clay coils with
the others. Inspect each part of the mold, looking for tiny cracks
where melted wax could leak. Press these shut. If the coils start to
sag, quickly fashion a paper cylinder around the outside of the coils
and tape it closed. Trim it to the same height as the clay, so it
won't get in the way when you are pouring wax. Set the mold in
an empty bowl, in case wax leaks through. You are ready to pour.
Pouring the wax is thrilling. Go very slowly up each level to make
sure no wax is leaking through. If a leak appears, carefully pinch it
shut and pour again. Insert the wick. The wax will harden within an
hour, long before the clay dries. To unmold, just unwind the clay. If
some sticks, soak the candle in cool water and then gently rinse off
the clay. The candles have a wonderfully craggy spiral looping from
bottom to top, and burn with a lovely strong flame.
Beehive Candles
You can also make beehive candles with great success by coiling ropes
of salt dough in a small, deep bowl. A rice bowl is the perfect size.
It's easier to start with making a spiral, about 3 inches across,
outside of the bowl, then transferring this into the bottom of the
bowl. Next coil the rope inside the bowl until you reach the top. The
candle is burned with the dome side up, so the wick has to be
extended through the wax at the bottom of the bowl. When the wax is
firm enough to insert the wick, use a slightly larger straw than
usual, and push it firmly through the candle, into the dough beneath,
straight to the bottom of the bowl. The candle unmolds easily: Lift
candle and mold from the bowl and uncoil the mold.
Brigit Candleholder
To echo the Goddess's symbol of the serpent, make this candleholder,
which resembles a coiled snake. Follow directions for making a mold
for taper candles, with the following differences:
1. Size your holder by wrapping a paper cylinder around whatever
candle you intend to use. Remove candle before proceeding further.
2. Dough ropes should be about 1/2 inch wide and a foot long. If
candleholder is taller than 4 inches, use toothpicks for extra
3. Make the bottom by coiling a rope into a small circle. 4. After
the paper cylinder has been removed, use your candle to gently test
of the open end of the candle holder is large enough to accommodate
the candle. If it's too small, delicately press the opening wider. If
it's too large, fill in with bits of salt dough.
5 Bake the holder as directed. Turn after the first hour to be sure
it does not stick to the pan.
6 Cool completely after baking. Then paint with snaky patterns,
finishing with eyes on the end of the top coil.
From "Circle Round" By Starhawk, Diane Baker and Anne Hill
Courtesy of Witches Moon
Busy Busy Busy...
Hey everyone. Yes I have not been here for awhile that is because I have been so busy... With work and my other job I did not have much time. Now that one of my jobs is ending for the summer I do have some time.
I have partnered with my sister at the flea market and now we have a bigger booth!! Ya I have my own spot!! I will be highlighting what I make here and still give information when I can. I wish I had more time to sit and write.
I have partnered with my sister at the flea market and now we have a bigger booth!! Ya I have my own spot!! I will be highlighting what I make here and still give information when I can. I wish I had more time to sit and write.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Stress...
Shocking as it may seem, there are probably very few people who have never experienced stress. Stress can happen in a minute or it may build over time. It can spur creativity but is more likely to leave you irritated, depleted, and even physically ill. Which is why, sponsored by The Health Resource Network (HRN), April is Stress Awareness Month, a time when care givers across the country will be increasing public awareness about both the causes and cures for stress, now seen as a modern day epidemic.
The word stress is a derivation of the Latin word that means to be drawn tight, which is pretty much how most stressed-out people feel. The words meditation and medication have the same prefix derived from the Latin word medicus, meaning to care or to cure, indicating that meditation is an effective and efficient remedy for a busy and overworked mind. Which is why meditation is the greatest gift you could give your self.
In essence, meditation is simply about calming our chattering monkey-like mind and being aware and present in this very moment. This is easier than we may think, yet so many people say to us: My mind is too busy; I can’t sit still; I can’t possibly meditate; I just fall asleep. This is because our mind tends to be all over the place chasing different scenarios, so that our ability to be completely here and now is challenged. Although being aware of the present moment is simple, we have spent so many years covering it up with all sorts of distractions that now we have to practice being still in order to reconnect with it.
During meditation we gently let go of distractions so we can genuinely be present. Like a child watching an ant walking down the sidewalk carrying a crumb, that is all that exists in her world at that moment. She is not thinking about what she had for breakfast, or what she will do with her best friend at her next playdate. She is only watching the ant.
Meditation enables us to stop trying, to let go of the story, the dramas, our stressed mind, and to discover an inner easefulness. Some people describe this as a sense of coming home, as if they had been away or out of touch with themselves without having realized it; others experience it as a huge relief as there is a release of anxiety and self-centeredness and they enter into a more peaceful state of being. The inner joy and happiness is incomparable. Personally, we don’t know how we would function in this mad, mad world without it!
Here is a simple and effective practice that can be done anywhere and at anytime of day. Practice for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or longer:
Sit comfortably with your back straight. Take a deep breath and let it go. Eyes are closed, breathe normally. Begin to silently count at the end of each out breath: Inhale… exhale… count one; inhale… exhale… two; inhale… exhale… three. Count to five, then start at one again. Just five breaths and back to one. Simply follow each breath and silently count. So simple!
(For step-by-step instructions for meditation and a guided video, click here.)
Help Sustainable Farmers: Join A Crop Mob
The New York Times recently did a story on a new group of young, landless North Carolina farmers, known as the Crop Mob, who volunteer to help on local, sustainable farms. Since the story was published, crop mobbing has become a social media sensation among foodies and sustainable farm advocates (like me).
As the group describes on its web site, “Crop mob is a group of young, landless, and wannabe farmers who come together to build and empower communities by working side by side. Crop mob is also a group of experienced farmers and gardeners willing to share their knowledge with their peers and the next generation of agrarians. The membership is dynamic, changing and growing with each new mob event.”
The group began in the North Carolina Triangle of Durham, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, because there are many small, sustainable farms started by young farmers who often can’t get all of the work done alone.
Sustainable farming is labor-intensive work; the planting, harvesting, processing and even barn raising that this type of farming requires used to be done as a community effort and is often too overwhelming for one individual to handle.
That’s where the Crop Mobs come in. “The crop mob was conceived as a way of building the community necessary to practice this kind of agriculture and to put the power to muster this group in the hands of our future food producers.”
The monthly volunteer days or “Mobs” are announced informally by word-of-mouth and on the Internet. Anyone who is willing to work can just show up.
As outlined by the group, there are a few principles on how the Crop Mob works:
- No money is exchanged.
- Work is done on small-scale, sustainable farms and gardens.
- A meal is shared, often provided by the host.
- This is not a charity. We crob mob for crop mobbers.
Crop mobbing is growing and there now a number of mobbers popping up all over the United States and on the Internet including Seattle, Washington; Atlanta, Georgia; Madison, Wisconsin; and California.
Those who live in the city or suburbs don’t need to feel left out. Even city farms, backyard, or community gardens can use mobs too, as the New York City Crop Mob illustrates. It is hosting its first mob on April 11.
If you are interested in joining a Crop Mob in your own area, check the interactive map to see if there’s one near you. You can also go here to get tips and info. and starting your own mob.
Judi Gerber is a University of California Master Gardener with a certificate in Horticultural Therapy. She writes about sustainable farming, local foods, and organic gardening for multiple magazines. Her book Farming in Torrance and the South Bay was released in September 2008.
Standing at a crosswalk....
Essential Oil Safety and Cats


Be Wary of Aromatherapy Claims for Cats
By Sue Martin
Please be wary of any animal practitioner or supplier of essential oils claiming that their products or techniques are completely safe to use with cats: the statement is both inaccurate and unsafe. No matter what their claims say, nothing will change the unique physiology of a cat.
Generally, essential oils consist of hydrocarbons or monofunctional compounds from mono-and sesqui-terpenes, together phenylpropanoids and other volatile aliphatic and aromatic substances.
Many terpenoids are rapidly absorbed orally and dermally by the cat's system and are metabolized in the liver. Due to their volatile nature, inhalation of essential oil components is also possible, and these enter the bloodstream via the lungs, also to be metabolized in the liver. The terpenoids and their metabolites are often conjugated with glucuronic acid (glucuronidation) and glycine depending on the type of terpenoid and animal species involved. The conjugated metabolites are usually more water-soluble and are easily excreted through the kidney and feces.
Cats are known to be deficient in their ability to eliminate compounds through hepatic glucuronidation (they lack enzyme glucuronyl tranferases). Glucuronidation is an important detoxification mechanism present in most animals except cats. Lack of this important detoxification mechanism in cats may result in slower elimination and thus build up of the toxic metabolites in the body causing toxicity problems.
Most people are aware of warnings that focus on the topical and oral administration of essential oils, but they are generally unaware that inhalation of essential oils can also be unsafe for your cat. Oils can affect a cat by absorption and inhalation just like for humans, and precautions should be used when repeatedly diffusing essential oils, since the development of liver damage can be a slow process without any visible symptoms.
When diffusing oils, try not to use excessive amounts of essential oil, and choose oils which have lower volatility's as far as possible. In addition, ensure good air circulation especially during the diffusion process, so that local concentrations of essential oil vapour are not built up in non-airchanged areas inhabited by the cat. Make sure cat can get to 'undiffused' air at any time if possible, and only diffuse in an individual room if cat does not have access i.e. make it a multi-room location. Toxicology studies show that the feline liver usually needs 48 hours to process and excrete 'terpenes', thus allow 48 hours between end of last diffusion and starting another to avoid repeated exposure by inhalation.
As most of you probably know, humans become quickly used to the intensity of a beautiful aroma ("adaptation") and have the habit of 'freshening it up' and adding more essential oils, definitely not so good for the cat. To test this, leave the area for another area not affected by the diffusion for about 15 minutes, re-enter the room and you will again smell the aroma. Remember cats have many more olfactory receptors than we do and are probably trying to figure out why you use so much oil.
Following is only a very small sampling of the many unsafe applications and untrue claims for cats:
1. "Essential Oils are distilled from plants & through their processing & mixing with vegetable oils, they oxygenate your pets' blood system & soothe their emotions & nerves."
This statement is untrue, essential oils do not oxygenate an animal's or a human's blood, yet a certain multi-level marketing company espouses this myth as proven scientific data, whereas it is actually pure sales hype.
2. "This Essential Oils product has been developed for application in the ears of cats and kittens with ear mite infestation. Recommend daily application to both ears in infected pets to kill mites and control infection in ear canal".
Frankincense and Helichrysum in diluted vegetable oil base, apply several drops to each ear daily for 2 to 4 weeks.
PRECAUTIONS: Discontinue use if redness, swelling, heat or pain result from application of this product.
They offer precautions, as reactions will most likely occur. They do not tell you that placing the essential oils and vegetable oil in the ear will actually do more damage than good to the internal ear organs. That the oil blend can build up causing deafness and the cat's system is absorbing enough essential oil compounds to cause permanent liver damage or death.
There is no valid research that shows Frankincense and Helichrysum essential oils kill ear mites in cats, but there is proof essential oils are toxic to cats.
3. A book on animal aromatherapy recommends using peppermint essential oil on a cat or kitten for respiratory problems and runny nose.
The owner of a kitten wrote to me about how her kitten even after applying 2 drops of peppermint on its chest, as the book instructed, would not get better. First, I felt a stab of sympathy for the kitten because her owner had read and applied an unsafe application, and secondly, frustration that authors write such unsafe information.
I told her she should have taken the kitten to a veterinarian as some respiratory problems can be life threatening or contagious to other cats. I then suggested she place two drops of peppermint on her cheek, as that is a tender spot but not as tender as the skin of 6-week-old kitten, to feel for herself to a lesser degree what her kitten is feeling. She wrote me back, "Sue, I thought you were wrong, I placed the two drops and felt nothing, but after about 30 seconds it started to burn and redden my skin, even after trying to wash it off, the burning is terrible. I feel so bad that I did this to my kitten, no wonder he is so upset and meowing so much. I will never put essential oils on my cat again and I am throwing away the book."
N.B. There are reports of respiratory failure in children when menthol (a major component of peppermint oil) has been applied to the nostrils.
4. Another big mistake is to apply the healing benefits of essential oils seen in the human situation to the feline situation.
5. Many make the mistake of applying an essential oil dosage suitable for a human baby to a cat, thinking that, due to its small size, if it is safe enough for a baby, it must be safe for cats. Babies do not have a cat's liver!
6. There is a debate about the use of hydrosols and cats. Hydrosols also named hydrolats or floral waters are promoted as 100% safe for use with cats, when there is no proof that this is so. Testing is not required* of hydrosols as it is with essential oils, so 99% of the suppliers don't even know what compounds are in their product. No valid information exists to confirm that the use of hydrosols topically and internally with cats is safe, therefore using hydrosols on your cat may have unknown risks. Remember essential oils were once considered safe until cats started getting sick and/or dying due to their special liver physiology!
*There is one exception to testing required; Turkish Rose Hydrosol producers are required by Turkish Law to test and maintain the established high quality standards of their products.
Library of Congress Copyright TXu1-041-842 May 15, 2002 by Sue Martin
Spring Detox Tips
Time for a major clean-up! ...
By Marie-Andrée GuimontDid you know that the human body also needs a spring cleaning? The goal of a detox diet is to give your body a rest and to eliminate toxins such as pesticides, synthetic products and atmospheric pollutants. After the cleansing program, your organs such as the kidneys, intestines, and lungs emerge as new to better perform their jobs and to make your body healthier.
Here are a few basic rules to help renew your system!
Water and Infusions
As a first step to purify your body, make drinking water a priority. We recommend drinking a minimum of a litre-and-a- half of water per day. In addition to drinking the recommended amount of water, prepare an infusion daily. You can use birch or orthosiphon herbs to prepare the infusion as to favour the elimination of toxins.

Healthy and Fresh Foods

Start your day with a glass of lemon water; in a cup, pour equal amounts of hot water and lemon juice. Citrus is rich in vitamins, stimulates the liver, and participates in cleansing the body. It also helps balance the pH of the stomach.
If you can get your hands on it, fresh dandelion also helps with elimination. Try incorporating it with a tea or in a salad. Those who are reluctant to try fresh dandelion can opt for capsules of powder available in pharmacies.
If you can get your hands on it, fresh dandelion also helps with elimination. Try incorporating it with a tea or in a salad. Those who are reluctant to try fresh dandelion can opt for capsules of powder available in pharmacies.
Healthy and Fresh Foods

Be sure to eat at least five fruits and vegetables per day. It is ideal to eat them raw. And make sure to clean them well before eating them. For snacking, opt for fruit juice.
Grapes act as a laxative; they relieve constipation and facilitate bowel movement. During your detoxification diet, integrate them to your meals in the morning, at noon and in the evening. Be sure to choose grapes that are ripe. If the fruit isn’t ripe enough, it can have the opposite effect of causing constipation.
Note: Select organic products that are devoid of chemicals and preservatives as to thoroughly purify your body.
The Method
After having read these basic guidelines, it now up to you to choose a program that suits your needs. It is advised to do a detoxification program three to four times a year, and ideally when the seasons change. In less than two weeks, you will begin to feel rested and more energetic. Depending on the method used, the program should last three weeks.
Beware: the ultimate goal of a body cleansing should not be weight loss. That being said, by taking care of your body, it makes sense that weight loss may result.
The Thrifty Kitchen: Cooking With Fruit and Vegetable Scraps
We try to shop organic as much as we can, and sometimes organic produce is considerably pricier than conventional. When you pay a premium for organic food, you want to get your money’s worth! Before you throw those fruit and veggie scraps into the compost bin, check out these ways to use the bits and pieces that you’d normally toss.
Swiss Chard
Chard leaves are the star in lots of tasty veggie dishes, but after chopping up all of those greens, you’re left with a pile of stems. The stems, or ribs, are actually great in recipes, too! They’re crunchy and slightly tangy. You can treat them like celery or onions and add them to stir fries, casseroles, soups, and stews.
Celery Leaves
Margie, the woman who operates the local Atlanta CSA Vegetable Husband, has a great suggestion for the leaves on the top of celery. She adds them to soups and stews for a deep, celery flavor. Celery leaves also work really well in salads of both the greens- and mayonnaise-based varieties. Just chop them up finely and mix them right in to add a little kick!
Mushroom Stems
Many stuffed mushroom recipes call for chopping the stems right up into your filing mixture, but these tasty leftovers have more uses than just that! Once you remove the tough part at the very bottom of the stem, try adding them to everything from soups and casseroles to salad dressings. You can toss your dressing into a food processor with some mushroom stems and process until smooth to add a nice, earthy taste to your salads.
Citrus Peels
After peeling that orange or juicing a lemon, you can take advantage of the zest before composting the rest! Citrus zest is the dark-colored part of the skin, and it’s perfect for adding a citrusy flavor to baked goods. You can remove it using a paring knife or vegetable peeler. Just wrap the zest in wax paper and put it in a container in the freezer. It should last a couple of weeks.
Home made, organic vegetable broth is a great catch-all for your scraps! You can save veggie leavings - like onion and garlic peel, carrot ends, mushroom stems, and stems from fresh herbs and spices - in a container in the freezer. Once you have enough, just put them into a pot with enough water to cover and bring to a rolling boil. Lower the heat and simmer for an hour, then strain out the scraps. What’s left is a wholesome, tasty veggie broth that’s just as good as (if not better than) the store-bought sort!
Becky Striepe is an indie crafter living in Atlanta, GA with her husband, two cats, and her trusty sewing machine.
Help Save the Ladybugs!!
Beyond being cute bugs, lady beetles (aka ladybugs or ladybirds) are incredibly helpful creatures, as many gardeners can testify. They protect crops by eating certain types of pests, and their presence reduces the need for insecticides.
Unfortunately, these gardeners’ best friends started rapidly declining in the 1970’s and ’80s according to researchers, and today some native species of North America are on the brink of extinction.
So where did all the ladybugs go?
The Lost Ladybug Project is looking into this question. The project, which began in 2000 after Cornell scientists partnered with 4-H master gardeners, is trying to find out where native types of ladybugs are living today and why so many have disappeared. An invasive beetle species imported from Europe and Asia is one possible culprit.
The Lost Ladybug Project has an unconventional research team. Over 50 percent of the participants in the project are under the age of 14, according to USA Today. And two key discoveries were made by 11-year old, Jilene, and 10 year-old, Jonathan back in 2006.
The project is specifically working to find and preserve three species: the nine-spotted or C9s, the transverse and the two-spotted. Approaching their goals with a “citizen’s science” model, leaders of The Lost Ladybug Project are encouraging anyone and everyone to help locate ladybugs: “Find ‘em, photograph ‘em, and send ‘em,” they ask. John Losey, co-founder of the project, firmly believes that “citizen science is the best way to educate and enthuse volunteers about the process of science and the best way to shed light on major environmental problems,” according to the group’s website.
Check out www.lostladybug. org for all kinds of interesting information about ladybugs. The site includes lesson plans, games, coloring books, and even a song–all focused on teaching kids to appreciate ladybugs and to participate in preserving the species.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
~Our Circle of Learning Craft Project"
I am in charge of every weeks craft project and this one week we decorated our belsom's. I have had my two for such a long time and every time I looked at them I thought they were so plane looking and when I found out our newest member did not even have one I decided we would work on them. As you can see my TEENAGER is being himself!!! Ugg it never stops. Hope you like watching.
~Interview with My Family~
I know I have not been here for awhile, but I am hoping to be here more often to tell you what is going on with me now that I am out on my own again and have time to do this. I thought I would share this with all of you here. The first video is ME.. yes ME I said. My sister was nice enough to take this during one of our days at the flea market.
The next video is of my son. He is walking the same path as me and we are learning so much together.
The next video is of my son. He is walking the same path as me and we are learning so much together.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Video of Booth
Took this from my sister's site.
I made the soy candles, the candle holders, the book of shadows, the book mark's, the spider catchers, slats and the incense cones.
I made the soy candles, the candle holders, the book of shadows, the book mark's, the spider catchers, slats and the incense cones.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Wounded one is home now..
Well my BF got his shoulder done this morning and now the nerve block has worn off. He is mean when he is in pain. Everything went ok and hopefully the pain will not last to long this time. Poor man has been in pain for over 2 years now. We are hoping this will help him.
Got a letter from his SSI lawyer and can you believe the lawyer wants us to pay for a detailed doctors report. A report stating how the doctor feels about his pain and if he can work. Well the issue is how much it will cost!1 One doctor wants $300.00 and the other wants $600.00... and he has three more doctors. I ask you this.. How can someone who only gets $300.00 from the state afford these reports. He tried to ex plane this to the lawyer but he said it would help his case out. I say time for a new lawyer!!
Got a letter from his SSI lawyer and can you believe the lawyer wants us to pay for a detailed doctors report. A report stating how the doctor feels about his pain and if he can work. Well the issue is how much it will cost!1 One doctor wants $300.00 and the other wants $600.00... and he has three more doctors. I ask you this.. How can someone who only gets $300.00 from the state afford these reports. He tried to ex plane this to the lawyer but he said it would help his case out. I say time for a new lawyer!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
New Tag for my GT Tag group..

I just finished making a tag for one of my tag groups. I just loved the picture and this is what I have done with it. I have decided to only offer certain tags threw certain groups. If you like this tag you can join this yahoo group.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Playing with some graphics..
Trying to catch up on my emails from my yahoo groups. Snagging some awesome tubes to make tags with. Almost finished with the requests from my FOTKI page.. Man I did not realize so many people liked my tags!! I also stared to follow some blogs here for scrap kits. ya more things for me to work with.. LOL
Thursday, January 7, 2010
LEADS day-"PSA Play"
Yes I made it to school today with a dead car. My partner picked me up and we had a great day. The kids still had so many questions with my budget game. I answered all of then and again it made me laugh when some of them were complaining about how much work this is. One girl said..."Thank god I am not an adult yet!!"
We played and interview games were I had two students make up 4 questions to ask each other and then each team went up to the front and introduced them by the answers. It went good and the kids learned some new things about each other. It also taught them that everyone gives different amounts of info. Some were long while others were short and sweet.
We started working on the questions for the questionnaire we are going to send out. They came up with so many great ones and now we have to narrow it down to just 10. I collected there journals again today to do my home work. I have been thinking that each person will have a more detailed budget for there career and situations. That means more work for me making up 45 different budgets, but in the end I think it is worth it and they will learn something out of this.
We played and interview games were I had two students make up 4 questions to ask each other and then each team went up to the front and introduced them by the answers. It went good and the kids learned some new things about each other. It also taught them that everyone gives different amounts of info. Some were long while others were short and sweet.
We started working on the questions for the questionnaire we are going to send out. They came up with so many great ones and now we have to narrow it down to just 10. I collected there journals again today to do my home work. I have been thinking that each person will have a more detailed budget for there career and situations. That means more work for me making up 45 different budgets, but in the end I think it is worth it and they will learn something out of this.
LEADS Day--"Tent City"
Yesterday was LEADS day for me. This class we are going to do a "tent city" and this will be the back drop of the other classes PSA. Me and my partner came up with the idea on to teach the kids how easy it is to become homeless we are mixing the game of monopoly and life together. I call it my Budget game. One week we had all the kids pick a career, material status, children, car or no car, if they rent or own a home. Then I gave them each a months worth of income. I also put on the career cards if they get paid weekly or biweekly. Funny how this is only our second week and the kids are already complaining about how much money it takes!1 One girl said yesterday "Thank god I do not have to do this in real life." To that I said.. "You might not but what about your parents. We go threw this every month and you have no clue." It was nice to see all the kids have a "WOW" moment. They came up with some of there own ideas like moving in with others in the class. Selling things they have won or were given. Yesterday one of the students helped another one out by lending them some money, with a small amount of interest to be paid back next month. Another one helped out a friend by gifting them some money to pay there bills because they got hurt and are out of work.
I told them this is what happens in real life and you guys will be more prepared when you graduate then others because you will already know how to do this. They are all freshman in high school now , but it is nice to see them opening there eyes up a bit to how "real life" works.
There homework for next week was to think of things to build a shelter with for protection when your living on the streets.
I am having so much fun with this!! The kids are awesome. Well off to my class today will write about it later.
I told them this is what happens in real life and you guys will be more prepared when you graduate then others because you will already know how to do this. They are all freshman in high school now , but it is nice to see them opening there eyes up a bit to how "real life" works.
There homework for next week was to think of things to build a shelter with for protection when your living on the streets.
I am having so much fun with this!! The kids are awesome. Well off to my class today will write about it later.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
My new business Logo and siggy tag for it..
As I keep looking at my sisters web site I thought it was time to redo mine. I am not selling certain things anymore and wanted a more sleeker look. So I decide to sit down and play with some graphics to come up with a new logo. Now that I know how to play with my paint shop pro program a bit more I decided to give it a go... I am trying to make it transparent but having issues.. but this is what I came up with so far... It took me awhile because it is made up of 5 different types of pictures all cut out and fixed up and then pasted all together...

And this is my siggy tag to go with it.. soooo what do you think...

Now I have to make all new buttons and then play with the HTML code to fix everything again.. Oh joy!!

And this is my siggy tag to go with it.. soooo what do you think...

Now I have to make all new buttons and then play with the HTML code to fix everything again.. Oh joy!!
The flea market today..
Was slow due to the snow but at least I got some work done. Making candle stick holders with beads around them.. It tough because inspector number 9 keeps rejecting them and makes me REDO them all over again!! What a tough women!!
After the flea market and me dropping off my sister I headed to the grocery store to pick up some coffee and other things we need. Wouldn't you know it my dam car died again!! Just shuts off no power.. I sat in the parking lot playing with the battery and all the wires and nothing... Decided to call AAA and they told me it would be a 2 hour wait.. I was like WTF!! I am not waiting that long... called sis to see if someone could pick me up and he did.. thanks so much.. it was getting cold in the car with no heat.
When I got home my love made a comment about how later he would walk to go check out the car and how it is afraid of him and will start. That SOB was kinda right... He went to the store and played with the battery wires and poof the car started.. Ugg I am never going to hear the end of this!! I guess I should go get some new cables.
After the flea market and me dropping off my sister I headed to the grocery store to pick up some coffee and other things we need. Wouldn't you know it my dam car died again!! Just shuts off no power.. I sat in the parking lot playing with the battery and all the wires and nothing... Decided to call AAA and they told me it would be a 2 hour wait.. I was like WTF!! I am not waiting that long... called sis to see if someone could pick me up and he did.. thanks so much.. it was getting cold in the car with no heat.
When I got home my love made a comment about how later he would walk to go check out the car and how it is afraid of him and will start. That SOB was kinda right... He went to the store and played with the battery wires and poof the car started.. Ugg I am never going to hear the end of this!! I guess I should go get some new cables.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Watching the snow fall...
Just sitting here watching the snow fall outside right now. I did not even know it was going to snow. It is really quite outside to. Could be because it is so early here right now.. around 5am... Been up since about 10 pm. I was putting things away from moving back in with my love and my back was hurting so I took a muscle relaxer.. umm that put me right out.. LOL I slept for like 5 hours but I was up early and am now waiting to get tired. Just made a pot of coffee and will be getting myself a cup soon. Catching up on my graphic groups and other yahoo groups...
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